If you have a problem with Bot user’s and spam in WordPress the best solution is setting up Akismet. It’s an easy to use plug-in that just needs an API key. For Bespoke websites there isn’t a one click plug-in but there is a super easy to use Bot database called BotScout with an API […]
Just like the Google Charts API the Twitter API can be super simple. Twitter uses a few different XML feeds to send and receive data from a given user, some feeds require a user name and password supplied through Curl but a few are publicly available to all. This example will use the built in […]
API’s are becoming more popular on the web as many of the big online companies such as Google, Yahoo and Facebook offer there own open source code for web developers to use freely and easily. To begin with I am going to go through how to use the Charts Basics API from Google. This is […]